Why use an ASATA TMC?

As the travel industry grows more competitive, TMCs are continuously expanding on the quality and type of services they offer. They can arrange all types of domestic and international travel, from hotel accommodation to air and ground transportation, including car rental needs and tour packages. They can provide assistance with travel insurance protection, passport and visa applications, inoculation procedures and other foreign travel requirements. Many also offer meeting planning and incentive travel services. 

Choose your TMC much the same way you would your doctor or lawyer: your travel agent should be a professional who has the qualifications, know-how and skills to assist you with all your travel needs.  Furthermore, your TMC should be an accredited ASATA member.

How can an ASATA member help you:

Demystifying Travel: The world of travel is complicated and very dynamic. ASATA-accredited TMCs are equipped with industry knowledge and news to ensure your travel is seamless and uncomplicated. TMCs can help you sift through the daunting world of travel to find a travel solution that suits your budget and needs, as well as demystify some of the more complicated areas of travel.

Costsavings: ASATA-accredited TMCs have strong working relationships with suppliers and cutting-edge technology that enables them to access extensive travel product and information and the best value fares and rates. TMCs work for you, the corporate, and your business travellers, not for the travel supplier.

Trust: ASATA members are bound to a strict code of conduct that dictates the terms of their membership. As such, you are assured that the TMC you are dealing with is a bona fide member of the travel sector following best-practice management and operations.

Expert Guidance: ASATA Professional Travel Consultants use their extensive knowledge and experience to manage your corporate travel spend, organise seamless business travel and provide proactive reporting and advice to guide your travel programme. Our Professional Programme works actively to enhance the skills of member travel agents.

Fighting your battles: ASATA is a travel thought leader lobbying on your behalf for better travel conditions. ASATA acts an impartial arbitrator in grievances against ASATA members. We provide advice and can investigate and make recommendations on matters raised.

Convenience: An ASATA member can source all aspects of your business travel, including air tickets, accommodation, car rental and much, much more. Our TMC members have all the information at their fingertips, saving you time and money.

21st Century TMC: ASATA-accredited TMCs benefit from cutting-edge research into the future requirements of travel agents helping them position themselves to fulfil the evolving needs and requirements of corporate travel.

Duty of Care: Risk management is one of the primary strategic objectives of most travel programmes and ASATA-accredited TMCs help their customers find a way to aggregate booking data from disparate sources to continue to meet their duty of care objectives.

Travel With Peace of Mind: ASATA’s slogan – Travel with Peace of Mind – underpins the role ASATA-accredited TMCs play in the business travel space. Entrusting your travel to an ASATA member, you are assured that you are working with a professional TMC that is not only bound by a strict code of conduct, but also believes in ethical and professional provision of travel services.