New consumer website for ASATA

This week saw the launch of ASATA’s new consumer website aimed at educating the public at large and corporate and government customers about the benefits of using an ASATA member to travel with peace of mind.

The new website offers travellers informative updates and travel news, key information about ASATA including its history, Code of Conduct and members of the ASATA team.

Prospective members can also source all the documentation they will need to apply for membership, while existing members can access the ASATA mobile app.

The ASATA Travel with Peace of Mind and Demystifying Travel campaigns are prominently displayed and consumers can also search for a member and see new and cancelled members’ lists.

All the trade resources you have come to enjoy are still available behind the ASATA Trade Portal login and a new CRM system is in the process of being developed to further enhance ASATA’s communications with its members.

So go have a squizz and tell us what you think!

ASATA website