South Africa

Latest Government Regulations issued 31 Dec

Government approved several changes to the Adjusted Alert Level 1 COVID-19 regulations.
While the Omicron variant is highly transmissible, there has been lower rates of hospitalisation than in previous waves. This means that the country has a spare capacity for admission of patients even for routine health services. There is a marginal increase in the number of deaths in all the provinces. 
Changes to COVID-19 regulations

  • The curfew was lifted. There are therefore no restrictions on the hours of movement of people.
  • Gatherings are restricted to no more than 1 000 people indoors and no more than 2 000 people outdoors. Where the venue is too small to accommodate these numbers with appropriate social distancing, then no more than 50 per cent of the capacity of the venue may be used. All other restrictions remain in place.
  • The risk of increase in infections is still high given the high transmissibility of the Omicron variant. Government therefore calls on all organisers of these gatherings to ensure that all health protocols are observed at all times and that all attendees are encouraged to be vaccinated.
  • Alcohol establishments that have licences to operate beyond 23h00 will revert back to full licence conditions.
  • The NCCC will continue to closely monitor the situation and will make further adjustments as necessary, particularly if pressure on health facilities increases.
  • The wearing of masks in public places is still mandatory, and failure to wear a mask when required remains a criminal offence.