Travel professionals face a bright future

Once upon a time, there used to be travel agents… Hang on…stop…
fuel surcharge

Hong Kong scraps fuel surcharges. When will SA follow suit?

International governments are increasingly putting pressure on…

Don’t ditch the birth cert just yet…

South African parents should carry an Unabridged Birth Certificate…

The Zika Virus: should you reconsider your travel plans?

The Zika virus is spreading rapidly across South America, prompting…
airport checkin

Self Service kiosks roll out across SA airports

ACSA and Aviation Co-ordination Services (ACS) are extending…

Cheaper ain’t necessarily more cheerful…

Don’t you just hate them? Those self-entitled Generation Y…

Why use an ASATA TMC

As the travel industry grows more competitive, TMCs are continuously…

When business travel gets a female touch…

The glass ceiling is finally shrinking! And, with the very welcome…

ASATA CEO co-wins Business Traveller Africa award

ASATA CEO Otto de Vries has jointly won the Business Traveller…

Home Affairs vs Tourism… battle lines drawn!

The battle lines have finally been drawn in public between the…