Airlink apology to the trade

Please see below a letter to the trade as received from Airlink:

Airlink would like to apologise for not attending to your enquiry as quickly as we would like to, due to the sudden changes in the travel regulations where we are experiencing high volume cancellations at short notice.  Like yourselves, we understand the frustrations that you are experiencing and we too have found ourselves in a situation where we are unable to cope with the demand for assistance to cancel or change travel arrangements, at short notice.  

We are doing everything we can to alleviate the congestion in our contact and support departments with the available resources on hand. Our teams are working additional hours to attend to the mass amount of enquiries.

To assist you during this time,  please direct your enquiry to the below specific contact support department relating to your enquiry to ensure that your enquiry is attended to timeously.  Please could we request that you do not copy in multiple departments as this contributes to the congestion. 

Assistance with ticketing, fares, re-issue, re-route, payment issues, web bookings issues, special requests

email   Monday to Monday

Assistance with schedule changes on a UN (un-abled) or TK (a time change) ticket

email  Monday to Friday

Assistance with SSR’s and Waitlists email  Monday to Friday

Requesting to be offloaded, if customer is going to NOSHOW and booking needs to be cancelled – email  or go to Manage my Booking on to cancel the booking.

Should you need to offload a customer after they have checked in, go to “Check In” on  and select “cancel check-in”.  This must be done 1 hour before the flight departure time and please ensure that the booking is also cancelled to avoid the customer reflecting as a NOSHOW.

Assistance with Refunds,  email

Airlink would like to thank you for your support and understanding during these unprecedented times.

Wishing you all the best for the festive season and a prosperous new year.