SA moves to adjusted lockdown alert level 2 – What you need to know

President Cyril Ramaphosa announced yesterday that South Africa’s lockdown regulations have been relaxed as the country has seen a decline in COVID-19 cases. From today, Monday 13 September, the country will move to lockdown level 2.

Here is what you need to know about the easing of the adjusted level 2 regulations: 

– The curfew will now start at 23h00 and end at 04h00.
– Non-essential establishments like restaurants, bars and fitness centres will need to close by 22h00.
– All gatherings will be limited to a maximum of 250 people indoors and 500 people outdoors. Where the venue is too small to accommodate these numbers with appropriate social distancing, then no more than 50% of the venue’s capacity may be used. This includes religious services, political events and social gatherings, restaurants, bars, taverns and similar places.
– The sale of alcohol from retail outlets for off-site consumption will be permitted between 10h00 and 18h00 from Monday to Friday.
– Alcohol sales for on-site consumption will be permitted as per licence conditions up to 22h00. Alcohol consumption remains prohibited in public spaces.

The President said the impact of these more relaxed restrictions would be reviewed in a fortnight.

To view the President’s full address, click here.