Tourism Tuesday Webinar: What does the future hold for our tourism and travel industry

Let’s not just re-build the tourism industry, let’s re-imagine it!

Don’t miss the upcoming Tourism Tuesday on 29 June from 17h00 to 18h00. South Africa is Travel Ready will be chatting to futurist Graeme Codrington about his views on the future of our tourism and travel industry.

Graeme will help you and your team map future trends and identify opportunities. He will present an informative and inspiring vision, not only of what the world will be but more importantly, how we can prepare ourselves for anything & everything the future holds for us.

Make sure you book your spot for this important session.

Date: 29 June
Time: 17h00 (SA time)

Remember to follow the #SouthAfricaTravelReady channels.

For more information visit,