The end of the UBC in sight?

South Africans travelling with children internationally will no longer be required to produce an unabridged birth certificate from October 31, according to a recent report in TNW.

Mayihlome Tshwete was quoted as saying that parents would need to apply for a new passport for their children if they want their details printed in the child’s passport. Alternatively, children could travel with their current passports, as long as they present an unabridged birth certificate at the time of boarding, in addition to the necessary documentation if the child is travelling alone with one parent.

“The Department will communicate the changes to airlines and Home Affairs foreign offices once these concessions have been put in place,” Tshwete was quoted as saying, adding that until then travellers with children would still need to produce the UBC.

Tourism Minister Derek Hanekom says a newly appointed immigration advisory board is currently in the process of formulating amendments to the immigration regulations.

Hanekom says the amendments mean that children would no longer be required to travel with an unabridged birth certificate, but adults would be advised that they may be required to prove their relation to the children, should immigration officials be suspicious, for example by producing an unabridged birth certificate.

The regulations will remain in effect until new amendments are gazetted and come into effect. Children travelling to and from South Africa are still required to travel with an unabridged birth certificate.