Domestic tourism

How do South Africans choose their holidays?

Did you know out of the 21.7m South Africans over the age of 18 and earning a personal monthly income, some 3.6m adults would be targetable as holiday travellers by travel agents? That is why SA Tourism would like to team up with ASATA members to promote and sell holidays in South Africa.

Important to know for South African travel agents who want to tap into the domestic tourism niche, is how South Africans choose their holidays. SA Tourism did the research and is happy to share it with you…

It will probably not come as a big surprise that affordability is the most important consideration for SA travellers when choosing a holiday destination. Most South African travellers perceive South Africa’s tourism offerings to be expensive for locals – especially during peak season.

So, travel agents who want to tap into the domestic market, will need to brush up on rand-stretching tips for their clients. Packages are a great option, but travellers say they often feel restricted by the lack of flexibility of travel packages. So, travel agents will need to get creative to attract the budding South African domestic traveller. Make sure however that when selecting affordable options for your clients, you select ‘safe’ options, as this is a major concern for the South African traveller.

Is there a rugby concert in Durban? Is Bieber coming to Cape Town? Sporting and music events are a great inspiration for South Africans to pack their bag and explore the country. Exciting activities, such as diving, hiking or bunjee jumping, can also convince domestic travellers to book that holiday.

Keep your ear to the ground if you want to know what the ‘hip and happening’ destinations are. Word-of-mouth is one of the greatest inspirations for South African travellers. Other travellers’ photos on social media websites also help South Africans make a decision on the choice of their next holiday destination.

Good news for travel agents is that South African domestic travellers tend to book in advance. Most can’t really afford to travel spontaneously; they need to plan according to their budget and work obligations. They’ll do a lot of research online, and some will also book online. But, there are quite a few travellers that want the expertise of a travel agent.

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