1. Collective Power Currently, ASATA represents over 90% of the industry, in terms of market share. Under the umbrella of ASATA are most of the industry market leaders who stand together to effect change in the travel industry.
  2. The Voice of Industry ASATA interacts with industry leaders, regulatory bodies and government, steers policy, planning and regulation. ASATA is represented on a number of Boards and Committees both locally and internationally:
    1. Southern African IATA Agency Program Joint Council (APJC) – Observer. ASATA appoints the Travel Agent representatives to the APJC
    2. IATA Passenger Agency Programme Joint Council (PAPJC)
    3. TBCSA Tourism Business Council of South Africa – Board Member
    4. WTAAA World Travel Agent Associations Alliance
    5. BARSA Board of Airline Representatives of South Africa
    6. The Tourism Department
    7. Department of Trade and Industry
    8. National Consumer Commission
  3. Industry Consensus and Policy Members Advisory Forums are tasked to deliver real outcomes on industry matters, from position statements to policy decisions that ensure we adopt best business practice, remain legally compliant and show purpose and opinion on how our industry should function.
  4. Risk Management Our strict Code of Conduct and Financial Criteria for membership, including our Constitution and ASATA Charter helps identify and evaluate risk and provides procedures to avoid or minimise risk.
  5. Media Engaging Trade and Consumer Media to voice opinion and be heard on matters affecting industry.
  6. Legal ASATA’s Legal Team guide the Association and its Board in the compliance of the South African travel industry.
  7. Promoting our industry By constantly highlighting the value and role of the travel agent in the consumer press and platforms, and promoting ASATA’s values among members, through:
    1. Member identification stickers to assist customers in identifying ASATA members.
    2. Permission to use the ASATA logo on stationery, advertising and marketing collateral
    3. Marketing toolkit with material for use on your own marketing platforms
    4. Listing on our ASATA website under “Find an ASATA member section”
    5. Partner Members can communicate to Travel Members in a cost-effective manner through our various platforms, including our website, database, blog and newsletter.
    6. Webinars and Regional Meetings on day-to-day issues affecting members.
    7. Delivering Surveys, Reports and White Papers for strategic planning purposes.
    8. Regular updates on industry issues and activities the Association is undertaking on behalf of its members through various platforms, including the weekly newsletter and closed member group on Facebook.
    9. Membership-only section on the website, with such resources as papers regarding compliance for the travel sector, information about current projects and research studies.
    10. The Travel Summit – an event for members to network, attend seminars, enjoy guest speakers and industry experts who talk on industry developments, give strategic insight and share global trends.